Saturday, 22nd January, 2011 16:00 Krétakör (90')

Krétakör (…) while bringing certain trends and disciplines of theatre aesthetics, theatre in education, DIE, sociology, and community development together, continuously defies several conventions with experiments in the vein of 20th-century theatre reformers such as Grotowski, and strives to prove the dysfunctionality of many unquestioned, almost axiomatic principles of contemporary Hungarian theatrical practice.”

István UGRAI

Árpád SCHILLING, artistic director and Márton GULYÁS, managing director,  introduce both live and with the help of video presentation, the Krétakör’s upcoming events and portfolio that includes projects concerning theatre and media art, pedagogy and community development. Their goal is to find partners and supporters for realizing the project Mortuary.

In this trilogy, members of a Hungarian family (son, father, and mother) tell their shared story from different perspectives and through different performance artistic forms. Their fates intersect due to their family ties, but they can no longer make the inroads against their own person, and their personal grievances cohere into a single narrative. Mortuary’s message is clear – adults who decide to have children must be prepared to live as a family.

Krétkör Theatre previously toured extensively abroad and won several awards.