Saturday, 22nd January, 2011 16:00 Café Mai Manó
Close Encounters
Márta Schermann

Márta Schermann has been working as an actress for almost 20 years with different theatre companies (Arvisura, Sofa Trió, Female-line, Dogtroep/NL…), but in the past years the audience could also encounter her more and more often as a director.

Besides the intensive involvement of various artistic disciplines (visual arts, contemporary music and dance) her works are also characterized by a site-specific approach. Her theatre productions have been “staged” in special locations, such as a botanical garden, a thermal bath and a market among others.

Her work in recent years has balanced more and more on the borderline of reality and fiction.Her theatre performances engage professional artists, as well as ordinary people who are in the special life situation that Márta, as a director, is investigating and wants to speak of. As part of this concept, she has worked with migrants, Roma people, homeless people, doctors and pregnant women. These performances appeal to the audience through humour and variety and bring social problems close to them that are otherwise difficult to face.   

Please, REGISTER for the Close Encounter of your choice on your personal registration page!

Márta Schermann -

Web: (unfortunately, only in Hungarian)

Friday 21 January 2011 – at 2.30 pm & 4 pm
Saturday 22 January 2011 – at 2.30 pm & 4 pm
at Café Mai Manó 
Address: 1065 Budapest, Nagymező utca 20.