Friday, 21st January, 2011 16:00 KINO Cinema & Café
Close Encounters
Edit Szűcs

The works of costume designer Edit Szűcs are not merely present in the performances of the most acclaimed theatres in both the Hungarian capital and the countryside, but in the experimental, alternative world of movement theatre as well. Her first feature-length movement theatre performance was presented at the MU Theatre entitled Testszövet (Skin Fabric) and her latest show, Por-hüvely (Dust-Capsule) was a great success at Trafó.

Edit has created a number of stage performances, in which she combines „abstract fashion”with visual theatre in a surprising and uncanny way. Her universe is inspired by bodies defined by costumes and outfits, populating a theatre space. The atmospheric environment, the images and moods that come to life are underpinned by Krisztián Gergye’s intentionally grotesque choreography and György Árvai’s darkly exciting imagery, in order to create a uniquely odd world.

However, the layers added to the basic situation – the stage imagery, dance, music and the text of the poems – burst open the boundaries of the fashion show and create a total art presentation on the cat-walk. This unified fabric enmeshes, encloses and carries the viewers away....

Andrea Rádai,

Please, REGISTER for the Close Encounter of your choice on your personal registration page!

Edit Szűcs -

Friday 21 January 2011 – at 2.30 pm & 4 pm
at KINO Cinema & Café
Address: 1137 Budapest, Szent István krt 16.

If you are thinking of prolonging your stay in Budapest, on 25 January you can see the work of The Collective of Natural Disasters (DUST-CAPSULE by Edit Szűcs) at Trafó.

More information on Trafo's website.