Saturday, 22nd January, 2011 11:00 IMPRÓ
Pitch session

Pitch session

Saturday 22 January > 11 am – 1 pm

Pitch sessions at dunaPart will introduce you to the projects and plans of interesting Hungarian artists and performing arts organisations. Besides the official performance programme, the pitch session, as the whole professional programme, aims to give further insight into what is happening on the local scene.

You should definitely not miss this opportunity to hear more about future projects in which you or your organisation could become potential partners, or just to have more information on which artists and companies it could be interesting for you to follow later on…

The final list of pitch session participants: 

  Company / institution / organisation Pitcher  
11.00-11.15 PanoDrama Anna LENGYEL  
11.15-11.30 L1 Independent Dancers' Partnership Márta LADJÁNSZKI, Réka SZABÓ  
11.30-11.45 The Symptoms Robert STEIJN, Réka SZABÓ     
11.45-12.00 Living Picture Company Zsófia BÉRCZI  
12.00-12.15 offline:ontheater Levente LUKÁCS, Viktória MONHOR   
12.15-12.30 Kulcsár Vajda Enikő Enikő KULCSÁR VAJDA  
12.30-12.45 negative VARIETÉ Viktória SZÉPVÖLGYI  
12.45-13.00 Scuba Club Collective Zsuzsa RÓZSAVÖLGYI  
13.00-13.15 Belamuhely Bence MOLNÁR